- Hometown and current town? “Cambridge & Cambridge”
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be? “Utah – for the hiking”
- What is your favorite thing about your job? “I LOVE math – numbers are my favorite”
- Do you have any hobbies? “I like to hike at county/state parks & read in my free time”
- First thing on your bucket list? “To see the 7 Natural Wonders of the World”
- Motto? “When I am having a hard day I tell myself ‘it’s just a bad day, not a bad life’”
- Favorite place to visit? “Anywhere with my family is my favorite”
- Dream vacation? “I’d like to backpack through Europe”
- Family – “Jake (husband), Hudson (2.5), Stella (1), two sisters Mandy & Kayla”
- What song best sums you up? “Good to be alive – Andy Grammer”
- Biggest fear? “Snakes, although Hudson loves them, so I am learning to love them”
- Fun Fact? “I like to put hot Cheetos on any kind of food (it makes everything better).”