

In the Fall of 2022, Frattalone was awarded a project with Ryan Companies to build a Cheese Factory in Dodge City, Kansas. Hilmar cheese is a cheese manufacturer out of Hilmar, California. Fun fact – It will take 200,000 cows to produce enough milk to keep the factory going every day.

Frattalone has moved 400,000 cy of dirt on site so far, with 1,000 hours of water truck time and millions of gallons of water to soak the material in order to meet compaction since the material is so dry down there. 100,000 ton of gravel has been imported from a local source to build the roads and building pads.

The Utility portion of the project includes; installing sanitary, water, storm, box culverts and processing waste utilities. Phase 1 of the utility work began in October with installing the storm precast box culverts on the north east and south east portions of the site. It was critical we installed these right away so that construction traffic could enter from the east. The processed waste utility portion has given Frattalone the opportunity to work closely with Ryan Co, the civil engineer and our suppliers to come up with creative solutions on how to handle the process waste through chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) piping. This specialty piping will allow liquid temperatures to reach 200 degrees Fahrenheit without affecting the integrity of the pipe. The bulk of the utility work will begin this winter.

Estimators – David Nelson, Eric Paulson; Project Managers – Matt Krause, Scott Buche;
Superintendents – Rick Parent, Pat Skelly, Mike Thill and Matt Hintzman